WEBVTT 00:00.540 --> 00:02.651 The leader's responsibility is not to 00:02.651 --> 00:06.110 assume um that young marines and 00:06.119 --> 00:09.609 sailors are aware of how 00:09.619 --> 00:12.880 critical they are to the bigger picture . 00:13.039 --> 00:14.970 Um But to make it clear to young 00:14.979 --> 00:18.069 marines , how value valuable they are 00:18.079 --> 00:20.360 and value added they are to , to what 00:20.370 --> 00:23.510 that organization is doing . Hey , 00:23.520 --> 00:25.690 leaders , my name is Maguire , the 00:25.700 --> 00:27.422 career planner for Marine Wing 00:27.422 --> 00:29.478 Communications squadron 28 . Today , 00:29.478 --> 00:31.533 we'll be talking about your value to 00:31.533 --> 00:33.644 your marines , marines , special duty 00:33.644 --> 00:36.659 assignments , bonuses , lateral moves 00:36.889 --> 00:39.759 and timelines . Leaders . You're the 00:39.770 --> 00:41.770 first touch point with your marines 00:41.770 --> 00:43.937 concerning their futures in the Marine 00:43.937 --> 00:46.048 Corps . You must screen and encourage 00:46.048 --> 00:45.680 the marines . We want to stay in the 00:45.689 --> 00:47.578 Marine Corps , sit down with your 00:47.578 --> 00:49.578 marines early and often and go over 00:49.578 --> 00:51.578 their opportunities and timelines , 00:51.578 --> 00:53.245 familiarize yourself with the 00:53.245 --> 00:55.411 information and reach out to your unit 00:55.411 --> 00:57.189 care planner as a good resource 00:57.189 --> 00:59.300 retention goes beyond re enlistment . 00:59.300 --> 01:01.189 Part of retaining good marines is 01:01.189 --> 01:03.300 acknowledging their hard work , their 01:03.300 --> 01:05.411 awards , meritor promotions and other 01:05.411 --> 01:07.633 means . So you probably heard the terms 01:07.633 --> 01:09.467 FA and S A P and wonder what the 01:09.467 --> 01:11.578 difference was a standing for . First 01:11.578 --> 01:13.800 term alignment plan is a marine that is 01:13.800 --> 01:16.180 on their first contract standing for 01:16.190 --> 01:18.190 subsequent term alignment plan is a 01:18.190 --> 01:20.523 marine that's re enlisted at least once . 01:20.523 --> 01:22.523 Now , let's talk about special duty 01:22.523 --> 01:24.634 assignments and its values and why it 01:24.634 --> 01:26.801 is important for you to know about the 01:26.801 --> 01:26.300 three main special duty assignments . 01:27.199 --> 01:29.421 The first being in recruiting duty as a 01:29.421 --> 01:31.255 recruiter , your marines will be 01:31.255 --> 01:33.143 screening qualified candidates to 01:33.143 --> 01:35.366 become the next generation of marines . 01:35.366 --> 01:37.510 Next , a drill instructor as a drill 01:37.519 --> 01:39.686 instructor , your duty is to transform 01:39.686 --> 01:41.519 civilians into basically trained 01:41.519 --> 01:45.069 marines . Finally is marine security 01:45.080 --> 01:47.024 guard watch dander where you'll be 01:47.024 --> 01:49.024 charged with safety and security of 01:49.024 --> 01:51.510 embassy personnel . The incentives for 01:51.519 --> 01:53.408 your marines to complete an S D A 01:53.408 --> 01:55.297 include special pay and promotion 01:55.297 --> 01:57.575 opportunities . If a marine volunteers , 01:57.575 --> 01:59.186 they have a higher chance of 01:59.186 --> 02:01.352 successfully completing the S D A when 02:01.352 --> 02:04.440 compared to a his marine , historically , 02:04.709 --> 02:07.519 certain M OS S such as 72 57 air 02:07.529 --> 02:10.610 traffic control , 06 21 radio operator , 02:10.899 --> 02:13.600 72 12 low altitude air defense gunner 02:13.619 --> 02:15.841 and plenty more can receive bonuses for 02:15.841 --> 02:18.008 re enlisting if your marine wants more 02:18.008 --> 02:20.119 than what they've gotten out of their 02:20.119 --> 02:22.286 current M OS , speak to them about the 02:22.286 --> 02:24.452 possibility of lateral moves , certain 02:24.452 --> 02:25.897 lap moves such as 02 11 , 02:25.897 --> 02:25.850 counterintelligence , Human 02:25.860 --> 02:28.059 Intelligence and 23 36 explosive 02:28.070 --> 02:30.292 ordnance disposal . And many more offer 02:30.292 --> 02:32.830 bonuses for lap moving leaders . These 02:32.839 --> 02:34.839 are some important dates you should 02:34.839 --> 02:37.006 know to inform your marines . For more 02:37.006 --> 02:39.250 information . Go to more ad 064 slash 02:39.259 --> 02:42.750 23 . Your attitude and 02:42.759 --> 02:44.981 involvement have a direct impact on the 02:44.981 --> 02:46.981 marines in your charge . It is your 02:46.981 --> 02:48.926 responsibility to train retain and 02:48.926 --> 02:51.037 invest in your marines . We recognize 02:51.037 --> 02:53.315 not everyone is an expert on retention , 02:53.315 --> 02:55.426 but the crew planner is ready to help 02:55.426 --> 02:57.592 you . You should be empowered with the 02:57.592 --> 02:59.648 necessary knowledge and resources so 02:59.648 --> 02:59.550 you can fully and effectively take care 02:59.559 --> 03:01.559 of your marines . Each marine has a 03:01.559 --> 03:03.670 different level of experience . It is 03:03.670 --> 03:05.559 your responsibility as leaders to 03:05.559 --> 03:07.615 ensure those coming up behind us are 03:07.615 --> 03:09.781 mentored and set up for success . It's 03:09.781 --> 03:11.781 a condition inside the Marine Corps 03:11.781 --> 03:14.699 that we all believe . We believe that 03:14.710 --> 03:16.654 all those who are coming behind us 03:16.654 --> 03:18.766 already know how to do their job . If 03:18.766 --> 03:20.877 I'm a sergeant , I think , well , why 03:20.877 --> 03:23.099 doesn't the corporal know how to do his 03:23.099 --> 03:22.710 job ? Well , he , he's never been a 03:22.720 --> 03:24.998 corporal before . He's just a corporal . 03:24.998 --> 03:27.053 Now , you're a sergeant . You should 03:27.053 --> 03:28.831 help him understand how to be a 03:28.831 --> 03:30.776 corporal when you're a major and a 03:30.776 --> 03:33.339 captain is coming behind you . Maybe as 03:33.350 --> 03:35.572 a company commander , he's never been a 03:35.572 --> 03:37.461 company commander before . So you 03:37.461 --> 03:39.517 should help him understand what it's 03:39.517 --> 03:39.029 like to be a company commander .