“The Eyes and Ears of the Commander”
The Command Inspector General (CIG) will promote combat readiness, institutional integrity, effectiveness, discipline, and credibility through impartial and independent inspections, assessments, inquiries, investigations, teaching, and training across all levels of the command. This ensures maintenance of the highest levels of war fighting and mission capabilities throughout the Marine Corps.
To file a Hotline Complaint click on the icon below.
Read Before Submitting a Complaint
Marine Corps Hotline Program: MCO 5370.8A
MARFORCOM Hotline Program: MFCO 5370.1A
Marine Corps Inspector General Program: MCO 5430.1A w/ADMIN CH
Who may file Marine Corps IG Complaints?
Any Marine, Navy, and Civilian employees may file an IG complaint. However, IG complaints such as: discrimination, sexual harassment, and conditions of employment are addressed by agencies other than the IG (Contact 1-757-836-2128 for further guidance). Civilians with no Marine Corps affiliation, may also file complaints with the IG regarding fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, or reprisal.
What type of complaints are appropriate to file with the IG?
Use the link below to determine if your complaint falls within one of the categories listed by the Office of the Naval Inspector General (NAVINSGEN). This site is used for reference purposes only. If you believe your complaint is IG appropriate, click the United States Marine Corps Inspector General logo at the top of this page.
How to Resolve a Complaint
What are my other options to file an IG complaint?
You can file a local complaint in person, by phone, mail, or email using the contact information below.
In person: Building NH45E, 2nd, Room 218
Phone: (757) 836-2128 24 hours
Mail to: Commander, FMFLANT/MARFORCOM
Attn: Command Inspector General
1775 Forrestal Drive
Norfolk, VA 23551-2400
Online @: omb.marforcom.ig@usmc.mil
Does the IG guarantee confidentiality?
Consistent with the Inspector General Act 1978, as amended, it is Marine Corps Hotline policy that Hotline Personnel will not disclose the identity of an individual providing a complaint or information to the Marine Corps Hotline unless the individual consents to such disclosure, or the Marine Corps Hotline has determined that such disclosure is otherwise unavoidable in order to address the complaint or information.
You are not required to identify yourself when submitting a Hotline complaint. In addition to filing anonymously (you do not provide any identifying information), you may file confidentially, or you may consent to disclosure of your identity.
If you file your complaint anonymously, we will not be able to contact you to request additional information or to give you the open or closed status of your complaint. The Marine Corps Hotline will not provide any updates or responses to you regarding the status of the complaint.
If you request confidentiality, we will make every effort to protect your identity from disclosure; however, we cannot guarantee confidentiality since disclosure may be required during the investigation or in the course of corrective action.
Complainants alleging allegations of reprisal do not have the option of filing anonymously or confidentially.