Program Mission
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program serves as the single point of contact to facilitate victim support services through victim advocacy, resource and referral. It provide policy and program support to all commander’s throughout Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic (FMFLANT), Marine Forces Command (MARFORCOM), Marine Forces Northern Command (MARFORNORTH); while remaining committed to sexual assault prevention through training, education and community awareness.
Definition of Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is a criminal act that is defined as the intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent. Sexual assault includes rape, non-consensual sodomy (oral or anal sex), indecent assault (unwanted, inappropriate sexual contact or fondling) or attempts to commit these acts. (MCO 1752.5C)
Victims of sexual assault have two reporting options:
Restricted Reporting - Allows a sexual assault victim to confidentially disclose their sexual assault to specified individuals [(Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), SAPR Victim Advocate (VA), Military Mental Health Counselor, Victims Legal Counsel (VLC) or Healthcare Provider (HCP)] without triggering command notification or a law enforcement investigation. The victim will be informed of available of services that includes medical treatment [emergency care and a Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (PERK)], counseling, chaplain services and the assignment of a SAPR VA.
Unrestricted Reporting - Is recommended for victims of sexual assault who desire all of the available supportive services (medical treatment, counseling, advocacy services) and an official law enforcement investigation. When selecting unrestricted reporting, victims should use current reporting channels, (SARC, SAPR VA, chain of command, HCP or law enforcement). Details of the incident will be limited to those who have a legitimate need to know.
To gain a thorough understanding of your reporting options and the available resources, you’re encouraged to speak to the SARC, SAPR VA or Victims Legal Counsel (VLC). Speaking with these individuals first, is the best way to protect your privacy and confidentiality. Disclosure to others, may limit your available options.
To make a report of sexual assault,
call the Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads 24/7 Sexual Assault Support Line: 757-402-2569

U.S Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Brian W. Cavanaugh, commander, Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic, Marine Forces Command; commanding general, Marine Forces Northern Command, center left, is presented a signed commemorative t-shirt by Ms. Christina Chavez, MARFORCOM Supervisory Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, center right, in honor of Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM) at MARFORCOM headquarters on Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads, Virginia, May 5, 2023. During the signing ceremony, MARFORCOM leadership expressed their support for the 2023 SAAPM advocacy campaign and call-to-action theme: "STEP FORWARD. Prevent. Report. Advocate." Every April, SAAPM highlights how sexual harassment, sexual assault, and sexual abuse impact every person in the community. By raising public awareness SAAPM aims to educate communities on how to prevent sexual violence. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Casey Price)